The following is a partial list of publications. Copies of specific articles can be provided upon request:
• Agassi, N., et al., “Inspired Innovation,” Modern Steel Construction, February 2008.
• Agassi, N., et al., “11 Waverly Place, New York City,” Structure, May 2008.
• “Terminal One Canopy at JFK Soars With the Help of Steel,” Metal in Construction.
• “Tweed Courthouse: 2001 Award of Merit, Restoration Project,” New York Construction News.
• Ettouney, M., Benaroya, H., Agassi, N., “Cabled Lunar Structures,” Aerospace Engineering.
• Agassi, N., “Machine-Friendly Facility,” Civil Engineering.
• “World’s Largest Automated Cargo Facility,” Airport Press.
• “Structural Model Made for JFK Airport Building,” Building Design & Construction.
• Agassi, N., “Future Options,” Modern Steel Construction.
• “GE Takes the Total Approach to Façade Restoration,” Better Buildings.
• “Custom Details Help Restore Landmark Façade,” Building Design & Construction.
• “Manhattan Buildings Win All NY Preservation Awards,” New York Construction News.
• “Outstanding Building Restorations Honored by Municipal Art Society and Williams Real Estate,” Press Release.